Protest art

This piece by Mr. Brainwash makes Albert Einstein the center of the piece, a man who is widely considered as the smartest man ever. In a time of such divide and hatred, love truly is the answer, and Albert Einstein is someone who we look to for the correct answers. If everyone just loved each other there wouldn’t be racism, homophobia, etc… There is a lack of love in society today which causes such a great divide in our everyday lives and throughout history. The background of the image uses art from various time periods to bring about unity, and also uses bright colors to be appealing to an audience, and for me, I associate bright colors with optimism. Everyone needs love, and it creates such a feeling of happiness when you receive it, illustrating Mickey in the picture, also having him towards the center is a great representation of love as Mickey was caring, kind, and always had open arms to his friends and strangers. The simplicity of this piece is also the beauty, as it speaks such loud volumes with just a few words, and art.

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