The Counter

I first started my trip for The Counter like many others, going on the ferry; it was not a long trip, and it was bearable because there were people to talk to. I later took the train and walked a bit, later arriving at my destination, the Roundabout Theatre. It was not the biggest theater I’ve been to, but there was a different type of set there. The set for The Counter was small, but it had everything it needed. My expectations for this play were not high, but that is because I don’t typically like theaters, and I do not like plays in general.

After watching the play, I could only say a couple things about it. I liked the small cast; it made it easier to learn the characters and their own struggles, and it made everything less confusing. I like how The Counter portrays that everyone has their own struggles and that even though not every struggle is the same, people can still bond over them. Katie, a barista, had problems with a man and decided to move away to live a better life, in her opinion. Paul, a retired firefighter, did not want to live anymore and wanted to be killed in surprise by poison. Paul, after going to Katie’s cafe for a while, asked to be friends with Katie, and she obliged. After becoming friends, they later shared some secrets together, those being the ones I stated before. I liked how they talked their problems out and learned more about each other. I liked most of the play except two different parts. The first part was when Paul was explaining his affair with Peg, a married woman, to Katie. Katie was explaining how she saw a synergy between them, and she seemed like she did not see anything wrong with the affair. The second part I did not like was the ending. The ending was just an abrupt stop that leaves the viewer guessing what will happen next. In my opinion, if you make a play, finish it with a real ending that you created; do not just leave your viewers guessing.

In conclusion, I think The Counter was not a bad play; it just had two moments that I did not particularly like. Besides that, I think it showcases how different people have their own problems pretty well.

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