Rich Stemme, a member of the group Brutally Familiar introduced us to his experience in punk rock. He began his journey by creating zines in school, which were small magazines that spread his messages of punk rock and soon created his first demo tape. Stemme explained that to him, punk rock was more about spreading a message than wealth, which was proven by his 7 inch record. He claimed that although each sold for 3 to 4 dollars, they took approximately 5 dollars to create. When I held this record, it seemed very well done. I liked the artwork and packaging of the record, revealing that it must’ve taken a lot of effort to create.
Throughout his journey, Stemme met popular artists and played with popular bands, which I thought was interesting and amazing. Another fascinating fact that he told us was the difference between punk rock bands in Britain and America. In Britain, punk rock is like a culture, the artists dress up a certain way and are expected to act a certain way. In America, artists dress and act normally, they just create songs in the punk rock genre. Overall, though his experience was interesting and entertaining, I thought his music of hardcore punk genre had too much distortion, making it hard to enjoy.