Scenes of a Latin Quarter, Rent and the Opera Lecture

This may sound brutal, but works like these are what made me always dislike arts, and English class. Starting with Scenes of a Latin Quarter, I feel like it was a bit basic in the sense of it was a classic struggling artist situation, and the writing style used was just not my style. Rent I felt indifferent about, the message of people trying to find their identity in a time where the world was much less accepting was a good message, but I just really dislike musicals and find it quite irritating. Finally, the opera was boring, annoying to hear, and quite frankly pointless. I understand, it takes a lot of talent to sing at such a high pitch, which I respect and acknowledge, but opera just seems so pointless.

First, a similarity in Rent and Scenes of a Latin Quarter is the theme of friendship. In Rent, they are all struggling with the feeling of being left out, financial issues and also the fear of the ongoing AIDS epidemic. In Scenes of a Latin Quarter, all the characters are aspiring artists who struggle to even get a meal on the table. In the end, they all work together to try to overcome these problems, and although there is conflict within their respected groups, they work through the conflict to resolve the issue. Both pieces also used art as not just a way of income, but an escape of reality, of worrying about illnesses, or worrying about paying rent, it was a way of expressing themselves.

I am very ill informed on operas, but in the lectures one of the more appealing operas was the one where they only used a piano, the piano was beautiful and much less irritating than the opera! I am glad now that operas are more affordable and people of varying financial status can watch, not just the upper class.

Although these 3 pieces of art weren’t my style, I still receive the message as intended, and takes a lot of talent to make any of these pieces.

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