Punk Rock

When I was listening to Rich talk about his life, I thought it was very interesting. He was explaining to us how when he moved it was hard to find people with the same interests as him. He also said how punk rock had a negative connotation to it, and whenever he found a person who liked what he did, they connected. He was also explaining how he made a lot of bands with friends and how he tried to get himself into events so that more people could hear him and his band. This was very interesting to me because I would never have expected a teenager to try so hard, like Rich did, to get into these events. Like he explained, he would call multiple times a month to try to get into shows. This was surprising to me because most people would give up after a couple of rejections. I also liked his viewpoint that you should let everyone enjoy their time at an event because you never know what they might do next. It was basically him saying it was the band’s responsibility to make sure people don’t do anything bad because of them. He then later explained that one person at one of his events actually killed someone after getting kicked out of the event. In general, I thought the Zoom call with Rich was interesting, and it helped open my eyes to a bit of the rock world.

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