How to Post

To post on this site, you’ll need to first be added to it as an author. You’ll need to complete three steps to do this, which we’ll have done on the first day of class. These steps are listed here in case (a) you missed that class, or (b) something went wrong.

  1. Have access to a valid CUNY email address. We recommend using your one.
  2. Let me (Joseph Pentangelo) know the email address you’d like to use and I’ll invite you to join the CUNY Commons – the platform this site is a part of – and the class site.
  3. Open the email and accept the invitation. If there are any more steps to complete, they’ll be listed in the email or shown to you when you sign in for the first time.

Making Posts

  1. Log into the Commons
    Go to the CUNY Academic Commons, click “Log In” at the top right, and sign in.
  2. Select this Site
    On the page that comes up, you should see this class site listed underneath where it says “My Sites.” Click it. This will take you to this site’s dashboard.
  3. + New
    Click “+ New” at the top of the page. This will take you to the “Add New Post” page.
  4. Write Your Post
    In the “Add New Post” screen, you write the post you want to create. Enter the appropriate title and any text you want in the post. To upload files, click “Add Media” (it’s below the title but above the textbox for the body) and upload whatever files you want, then click “Insert Into Post” to insert them into the post.
  5. Choose Your Category
    Before publishing your post, make sure you choose the right category based on the date of the assignment. Check the appropriate box from the right side of the screen, under the “Categories” title.
  6. Publish
    When your post is ready, click “Publish.”

If you’ve already made posts, but forgot to categorize them, please go back and edit them to select the right category. This makes sure you get credit for having done your assigned posting.

If you need help or have trouble with any of this, please contact TLC Research Associate Joseph Pentangelo.